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Carrier Information


The carrier will patrol its designated area, turning into the wind for recovery cycles. There is no airboss script, and only the AI frequency will be used for all launches and recoveries unless a human controller is present. If a controller is present a NOTAM will be published. All procedures will be in line with the 132nd CV Ops Manual. LINK

CVN-73 George Washington
  • TACAN: 13X "C73"

  • ICLS: 13 "ILS"

  • ATC (AI): 309.500

  • LSO/TWR: 309.100

  • Marshal: 309.900

  • LINK 4: 336.000 

  • Recovery Tanker: ARCO 1-1, 120.500, 20X "AR1"

  • BRC: 305

  • FB: 296

Recovery Cycles

Case 1 recoveries will be done ziplip. If coordination is required use ATC(AI) 309.500

The carrier will recover for 30 minutes from XX:15 until XX:45 REAL time. ​

Every flight will have a pre-assigned marshal stack for CASE 1 recoveries:

  • Squid 1 & Ragin 2: Angels 2

  • Roman 3 & Sting 4: Angels 3

  • Jury 5 & Joker 6: Angels 4

  • Snake 7 & Devil 8: Angels 5

  • Uzi 1 & Colt 2: Angels 6

  • Dodge 3: Angels 7

All flights should plan to be overhead in the stack at XX:25. It is the responsibility of the flight lead to find and follow the flight ahead in the stack. The charlie time shall be XX:30 for CASE 1 recovery.

CASE 2/3

Unless a human controller is present all CASE 2/3 coms will be conducted on ATC (AI) 309.500 frequency using the in-built ATC. If a human controller is present then use the marshal (309.900) and TWR/LSO (309.100) in the normal sequence. During CASE 2/3 the recovery time will be from XX:30 until XX:15.

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